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Decision-Making Framework for New Market Opportunities: Experiences From Sheet Metal & HVAC Contractors

Decision-Making Framework for New Market Opportunities: Experiences From Sheet Metal & HVAC Contractors

Most company leaders make market entry decisions once or twice in their careers; not enough to bui..


Developing the New Horizons Foundation Decision-Making Framework for New Market Entry in the Sheet Metal Construction Industry: Research Report

Developing the New Horizons Foundation Decision-Making Framework for New Market Entry in the Sheet Metal Construction Industry: Research Report

This 67-page publication provides detailed background on research completed for this project. It ide..


Organizational Adoption of New Technologies: Best Practices for SMACNA Contractors

Organizational Adoption of New Technologies: Best Practices for SMACNA Contractors

SMACNA members are eager to adopt new technologies, operational processes, and business strategies. ..


The Changing Risk Environment

The Changing Risk Environment

Every sheet metal contractor – and really, every contractor – is aware that construction is an inher..


The NHF Digital Library: Research Report

The NHF Digital Library: Research Report

Since the New Horizons Foundation (NHF) origination in 2001, it has performed valuable research an..
