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Mark O. Federle, Ph.D., P.E., CPC, F.ASCE
McShane Chair in Construction Engineering and Management
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Engineering
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Tel: (414) 288-4531
Fax: (414) 288-7521
This white paper offers a set of best practices to optimize the use of prefabrication to obtain peak productivity for HVAC and sheet metal contractors.
The study was informed by 1) an industry survey, 2) a series of case studies, and 3) detailed productivity and prefabrication analyses.
This publication:
- Adds to the understanding of how to measure the productivity of field and office personnel
- Identifies the impact of prefabrication on both field and office operations
- Explores the impact and use of prefabrication within Lean Construction, BIM and VDC
The 21-page white paper is versatile and includes 3 different types of suggested tactics (beginning to advanced):
- Tactics for the contractor who is new to prefabrication in the sheet metal shop
- Tactics for those seeking to dramatically increase prefabrication efforts
- Tactics for the advanced prefabricator