Marketing & Customer Focus


A New Era of Customer Service

White Paper | Published 08.01.2016

White Paper: A New Era of Customer Service: How to Manage Customer Relationship

This paper includes a list of best practices to identify customer needs and satisfaction and outlines a cost-effective process to create a customer-centered culture. The white paper was written for HVAC and sheet metal contractors by Tom Schleifer, an author with experience and instant credibility in the industry.

Cover Sheet - Marketing & Business Development Strategies for HVAC & Sheet Metal Contractors

White Paper | Published 01.01.2016

White Paper: Successful Marketing and Business Development Strategies for HVAC and Sheet Metal Contractors

This white paper helps HVAC and sheet metal contractors use marketing and business development more strategically. It also provides an approach on how to create a plan, implement it, measure the results and, ultimately, create a long-term plan to build customer relationships and backlogs. In a separate document, the Business Development Market Planning Guide, contractors …

Measuring Customery Loyalty

Report | Published 09.01.2006

Measuring Customer Loyalty: A Benchmark Study of HVAC & Sheet Metal Customers’ Satisfaction

Customer loyalty can be the key to business success or failure. The New Horizons Foundation initiated and funded a study to gain greater understanding of customer requirements with the intent to improve the competitiveness of HVAC and sheet metal contractors. Understanding what drives customer buying decisions creates confidence and builds enduring trust and loyalty. This …